Monday, February 23, 2009

SMU student survey

I'm doing the SMU student survey. 

Let me warn all those who decide they want to do it:

ITS FRICKING LONG. I gave up after the 6th page or so. Plus I'm in Malaysia and the malaysian internet isn't very conducive for waiting for the next page to come.

I actually went to the SMU SA induction or whatever they call it this year. Mind you, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT I WAS GOING FOR IT or I would never have wasted 3 hours (YES 3 HOURS) of my life there. I was surprised why so many people were there and then I realized that all the people were there because the SA had insisted that a certain number of people from each CCA must come since the SA needs to have its budget approved / passed by a minimum of 200 students (as representative of the school population). Of course no one objected (though one guy did make a small fuss which i'll elaborate on in a moment), since the SA approves budgets and gives funds for a lot of the CCA's.

One guy deserves mention though cause he DID bother to object. When the speaker asked him what his objection was and he aired it, the speaker (after misunderstanding the question) just flatly ignored the questioner and basically said that he was insignificant and it didn't matter if he was objected cause the 200 people minimum number of people was fulfilled anyway.


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