Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Another pointless conversation
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:14:26 AM)
so where are you now?
King Rusty says: (1:15:11 AM)
in KL
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:15:16 AM)
oh ok
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:15:23 AM)
we're gonna have sports marketng meeting on friday
King Rusty says: (1:15:30 AM)
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:15:31 AM)
so i guess you're not coming rite
King Rusty says: (1:15:31 AM)
have fun
King Rusty says: (1:15:37 AM)
though i dunno how you guys will have fun without me
King Rusty says: (1:15:38 AM)
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:15:39 AM)
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:15:40 AM)
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:15:44 AM)
shut up la
King Rusty says: (1:15:47 AM)
yeah i'll be there on sunday
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:15:53 AM)
we will have an AWESOME time
King Rusty says: (1:16:08 AM)
you will TRY to have an awesome time
King Rusty says: (1:16:12 AM)
and then you all will remember me
King Rusty says: (1:16:26 AM)
and then you guys will all get emo
King Rusty says: (1:16:28 AM)
and cry
King Rusty says: (1:16:37 AM)
and slowly but surely you guys will start chanting my name
King Rusty says: (1:16:43 AM)
"Rusty! Rusty! Rusty!"
King Rusty says: (1:16:51 AM)
and i shall hear your call
King Rusty says: (1:16:58 AM)
then I shall turn my head to the sound
King Rusty says: (1:17:02 AM)
King Rusty says: (1:17:07 AM)
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:17:16 AM)
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:17:22 AM)
suren you flatter yourself waaaaaaaaaay too much
King Rusty says: (1:17:29 AM)
ZubbywithaZ says: (1:17:34 AM)
it's kinda unattractive
Facebook Photos FAIL
For some weird reason, I always put weird / random photos of mine onto facebook. So I thought I'd make a compilation of them. So here it is, Rusty's random / stupid / weird photo compilation:

Taklu ... no hair

Studying Hard is our sexy ... yeah right

Don't ask

Gangster (or no gangster?)

Fake poser gangster

Good Indian nerd

The girls show their power I

The girls show their power II

Shirin came over EARLY and took this photo

I've always wanted to be with a black chick

the Left 4 Dead influence

One of my many many football injures

So I have found out something since moving into the apartment in August. I HATE BEES. Fine, I'm a bit scared of them (they sting!). nvm ... I'm DAMN scared of them. They're so fricking annoying and freaky. A few days ago I had left the light in the living room on and the window in that room was open. I had to go early to school for a presentation and I walked out (this is about 6 30 in the morning) of my room and ran back inside cause there were about 30 FRICKING BEES CIRCLING THE FRICKING LIGHT THAT WAS ON. SINCE WHEN THE HELL DID BEES LIKE THE LIGHT SO MUCH?? I had had enough. Then the next day I was in my room and the window was open and a fricking bee came in (and obviously I ran out). So I devised a master plan to get rid of the bee (I had too cause Jiunn wasn't home to pick it up and throw it ... inhuman person she is).
The Master Plan:
As I sat outside my room, thinking of ways to get rid of the bee, I remembered that bees like honey. So my plan was to put honey in a bowl, wait silently and still until the bee goes into the bowl to feed on the honey and then cover the bowl with a plate so that the bee cannot escape. I went into the kitchen and took out a bowl and a plate and was horrified to find out that THERE WAS NO DAMN HONEY. We had jam and peanut butter and expired milk and tons of alcohol but NO HONEY. And it was past 11 so there was no way for me to get the honey from unless I walk to 7 - 11 which takes AGES and i'm LAZY. So the whole plan FAIL.
So I needed a new plan, and after sitting next to my bedroom door outside the bedroom and hearing the bee buzzing around inside my bedroom I figured it out. THE BEES ARE ATTRACTED TO LIGHT. So I put on the light in the living room, and in one swift movement, I opened my bedroom door, put the light in my bedroom off and threw myself to the ground to protect myself. And within a minute, the bee moved to the other room and I closed my door, closed my window and continued my work in peace.
Yes, I know, I'm a genius.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Tribute to my brother
My brother's so nice to me. Whenever I skype with him I ask him to pull his cheeks and he does it for me. So if anyone ever wants to see my brother pull his cheeks then just be around when I skype with him. And if he asks for proof that there's no one there, then just duck when I turn the camera towards you and you can resurface again when I turn it away from you. As easy as that.
I'm joking Pranni ... i've never done that before. Well never since the last time at least.
Theories / speculations of the month so far
1. On Valentine's Day Abu Dhabi bought Daren and myself one of those v-day baskets that the elephant trip CIP people were selling. Haha and daren and me came up with a twisted theory that someone had actually bought it for Abu Dhabi but she couldn't eat all the food because she had a stomach pain and instead she decided to give it to the last two people she saw who had just happened to be Daren and me and this way she won't even have to spend any money on us. Yeah we're just being mean. Thanks for the gift!
2. My super duper bestest friend in the entire world Irina complained that I do not talk to her nowadays because I like skinny girls and I think she's fat (which she isn't even near being) so I don't want to associate myself with her so I don't talk to her. Theory FAIL. I've just been very busy with school and going out and stuff.
3. I felt this post wouldn't be complete without a shuwei and swyn pair up story (cause they're soo soo many to choose from). So anyway Swyn messaged me the other day when I was on the way to my bus back to KL:
Swyn: Rusty! Need ur help! Are u in sch?
Rusty: Whats up? I'm about to board the bus for kl haha
Swyn: Oh shoot my exam requires me to use the exam browser but u know it cant be used on mac.
Rusty: Dang. I have a mac too what anyway
Swyn: Oh freak yah.
Rusty: Or did you just want an excuse to talk to me? I'm so touched man.
Swyn: Rusty!....
Rusty: Lol i'm just joking. I know you and shuwei cannot be separated
I - Phone FAIL
Conversation with my friend mike soon after he bought an i - phone
Mike: Sip son
Rusty: sip son?
Mike: Sip
Mike: Sup
Mike: A
Rusty: i phone fail
Mike: Damn spell check
[I'm still not sure what the "A" is for? I mean the argument was between "i" and "u" for sip or sup].
Concentration Tests
Here guys try this concentration test:
And girls, take this concentration test:
And you guys can post in the comments whether you pass or fail.
PS - both of these are courtesy of Chinker
To your kinkiness
This is a normal conversation that I have with my close friend "Kinks". I'm not sure how I started calling her that but once she got the name it suited her.
Rusty: hey sexy
Rusty: take of your clothes
Kinks: who said i was wearing them?
Rusty: ooooo
Rusty: i would take out mine
Rusty: but my housemate is here
Rusty: lol
Kinks: its okay, you can just unzip ... realll slowly and quietly
Rusty: ok i don't have a zip
Rusty: in pajamas
Kinks: even better
Kinks: are they loose?
Rusty: right now they've become tight
Rusty: because they're being stretched
Kinks: hm, what should i do to help you
Rusty: touch yourself
Kinks: LoL sorry, gotta go now!! ttul
And that my friends, is one of the NORMAL conversations that I have had with her kinkiness
Slumdog Millionaire
Amazing movie man. Watched it last night and loved it.
Ofcourse, a lot of people in India hate it since they argue that it's portraying the bad side of India to the world. But I think it's brilliant. The world should see the way 70% of the world lives.
Numbing Ninety
A few weeks ago I had reached hell, I had crossed the line, I stepped on my weighing scale and found that I had crossed the 90 kg mark. So finally something clicked in my head and I have decided to lose weight.
So a few days after that I checked my weight and it was still 90 so the next morning I decided that I would go for a run. After my run (half an hour) I checked my weight and it was 86 KILOS. Yeah I was as confused as you are. How the hell did I lose 4 kgs in one morning. So I showered and couldn't believe myself and then checked again and then I found that it was 87 kgs. So anyway I decided that I should tell Cho so that someone could be my proof that I was below 90 kgs and then it had become 88 kgs already. Wth man? Either the weighing scale sucks or I'm blind or my metabolism is very odd.
SMU Fail
A few weeks ago we got an email from the SA (student's association) saying that SMU had lost its uniqueness and wasn't considered different anymore.
But my favourite line was that "NUS and NTU are outperforming SMU in the job market." Totally owned. I take pity on all the first years who joined this year. Not quite what you expected is it?
Well some advice: Don't focus so much about grades but concentrate on doing what you like and enjoying your college life. Do things that'll make you happy and quit complaining and most importantly, FIND FRIENDS THAT WILL LAST.
SMU student survey
I'm doing the SMU student survey.
Let me warn all those who decide they want to do it:
ITS FRICKING LONG. I gave up after the 6th page or so. Plus I'm in Malaysia and the malaysian internet isn't very conducive for waiting for the next page to come.
I actually went to the SMU SA induction or whatever they call it this year. Mind you, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT I WAS GOING FOR IT or I would never have wasted 3 hours (YES 3 HOURS) of my life there. I was surprised why so many people were there and then I realized that all the people were there because the SA had insisted that a certain number of people from each CCA must come since the SA needs to have its budget approved / passed by a minimum of 200 students (as representative of the school population). Of course no one objected (though one guy did make a small fuss which i'll elaborate on in a moment), since the SA approves budgets and gives funds for a lot of the CCA's.
One guy deserves mention though cause he DID bother to object. When the speaker asked him what his objection was and he aired it, the speaker (after misunderstanding the question) just flatly ignored the questioner and basically said that he was insignificant and it didn't matter if he was objected cause the 200 people minimum number of people was fulfilled anyway.
5 very embarrassing moments of my life
In no particular order these are 5 very embarrassing moments of my life:
2. In a mall waiting for a friend to come out of the toilet when this super hot girl passes by. And I just kept staring at her as she was walking toward me and then again as she passed me by, with my head shifting in one swift motion from left to right to follow her "assets". And then I look up to see one of my high school teachers standing next to me, looking at me and shaking his head.
3. Going into the girls toilet in my high school to get by suitcase cause someone had put it in there and all the girls intentionally refused to help me just to see me go inside.
4. Going into the girls toilet at the Jakarta airport and coming out to see my friends come out of the guys toilet and giving me the "wth" look. FAIL because I wasn't able to make out the signs for male and female. C'mon! It's Thailand after all!
5. Getting into a verbal fight with this asshole infront of like 20 - 30 people and threatening to have a physical fight but instead shaking hands and giving each other a hug before we sat down to "air our differences". Obviously alcohol had been involved.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
At the end of last sem we were studying for exams and Edward was studying for EDA (Economic Development of Asia) and he came across this term "BBC". So he asked all of us super econ students and none of us knew what it meant so I told him I'll check online.
So I typed in "BBC acronym" into google and found one of those acronym lists. And the very first entry for BBC was:
"Big Black Cock"
Amazing world we live in.
So I typed in "BBC acronym" into google and found one of those acronym lists. And the very first entry for BBC was:
"Big Black Cock"
Amazing world we live in.
Haircut FAIL
After ages and ages I have decided to continue my stupid blog.
Yesterday I went for a haircut and it was a usual story FAIL.
The last time I went I asked him to keep my hair "short" and it was too long. This time I asked him to cut my hair "very short" and he promptly used a machine and cut one side super duper short. And THEN he asks me whether its ok or not. What's the point of asking me whether I wanted it AFTER you give it. FAIL. But then again I should be able to give decent instructions to communicate what I want. I think they purposely mess up my hair cause I never know what the difference between slope and natural is. They might see it as an insult to their profession or something. Maybe similar to asking me if Manchester United is a football club or a cricket club or something.
Yesterday I went for a haircut and it was a usual story FAIL.
The last time I went I asked him to keep my hair "short" and it was too long. This time I asked him to cut my hair "very short" and he promptly used a machine and cut one side super duper short. And THEN he asks me whether its ok or not. What's the point of asking me whether I wanted it AFTER you give it. FAIL. But then again I should be able to give decent instructions to communicate what I want. I think they purposely mess up my hair cause I never know what the difference between slope and natural is. They might see it as an insult to their profession or something. Maybe similar to asking me if Manchester United is a football club or a cricket club or something.